We kindly ask for your understanding


A few months ago, a let­ter arrived from ger­man broad­cast­er WDR in which the mighty play­er can­celled its involve­ment in cin­e­ma pro­duc­tions until fur­ther notice, and felt com­pelled “under the cir­cum­stances and the dig­i­tal trans­for­ma­tion (…) to review the pre­vi­ous deci­sion-mak­ing process and adapt it to the eco­nom­ic frame­work con­di­tions”.

Short­ly after­wards, my col­leagues Mar­cus Seib­ert and Chris­t­ian Fürst asked me to write a future-ori­ent­ed text for their book about 42 years of the inde­pen­dent film­mak­ers’ asso­ci­a­tion Film­büro NW. My top­ic was set.

Along with a lot of deep and excit­ing insights into more than four decades of inde­pen­dent film­mak­ing in Ger­many, my Text “Wir bit­ten um ihr Ver­ständ­nis (We kind­ly ask for your under­stand­ing)” can now be found in the awe­some, big fat pub­li­ca­tion “Achtung, Achtung! Hier spricht das Film­büroNW”

And fur­ther­more it is print­ed in Revolver film mag­a­zine No. 46, also co-edit­ed by Mar­cus. I was par­tic­u­lar­ly pleased about the lat­ter. For years, his Revolver book “Kino muss gefährlich sein (Cin­e­ma must be dan­ger­ous)” has been a con­stant reminder on my book­shelf.