Homeshopper’s Paradise

A long time ago I worked on this script.… after a long time in devel­op­ment some­times with me, some­times with­out me and en even longer shoot­ing delay due to a cer­tain pan­dem­ic, “Homeshopper’s Par­adise” made it to the big screen at the Hof Inter­na­tion­al Film Fes­ti­val at the end of last year and to Max Ophüls in Saar­brück­en and can cur­rent­ly be streamed at arte Mediathek. All god things come to those who wait 🙂

The film direct­ed by Nan­cy Mac­GranakyQuaye and star­ring Jane Chir­wa, Stephen Apple­ton, Errol Trottmann and Nas­tass­ja Kin­s­ki was pro­duced by Ziegler Film Baden Baden (Pas­cal Noth­durft). A co-pro­duc­tion with SWR and arte.