
In Octo­ber 2021 I was appoint­ed Pro­fes­sor for sto­ry devel­op­ment at Film Uni­ver­si­ty Babels­berg KONRAD WOLF, Pots­dam.  In addi­tion to teach­ing inter­dis­ci­pli­nary sto­ry devel­op­ment to stu­dents from screen­writ­ing, direct­ing and pro­duc­tion cours­es, my main tasks include advis­ing stu­dent projects in their devel­op­ment phase.

From 2019 to Sep­tem­ber 2021, I was a pro­fes­sor of film and tele­vi­sion with a focus on direct­ing at the Macro­me­dia Uni­ver­si­ty of Applied Sci­ences in Cologne. I taught both the Ger­man-lan­guage and the inter­na­tion­al, Eng­lish-lan­guage cours­es there.

From 2010 to 2020, I worked as a free­lance lec­tur­er at dra­ma schools and oth­er fur­ther edu­ca­tion insti­tu­tions (Arturo Schaus­pielschule, Schule im The­ater der Keller, Filmhaus Köln). My focus was on film and tele­vi­sion act­ing.

My own teach­ers have includ­ed Dominik Graf, Wim Wen­ders, Andrzej Waj­da, Ildikó Enye­di, Hel­ga Rei­de­meis­ter, Judith West­on, Mark Travis, M. K. Lewis, John Sichel and Kei­th John­stone. They all form the basis of my work, which con­tin­ues to evolve through my years of expe­ri­ence with numer­ous dra­ma and film stu­dents.