New arrival in Babelsberg

Since Novem­ber, I am pro­fes­sor of sto­ry devel­op­ment at the Fil­mu­ni­ver­sität Babels­berg KONRAD WOLF. Togeth­er with six won­der­ful col­leagues, I have been offi­cial­ly sworn in this Jan­u­ary.

After almost 20 years in Cologne, I have also moved to Pots­dam Babels­berg with mixed feel­ings of farewell and joy­full expec­ta­tions. I am delight­ed to be work­ing with a whole bunch of tal­ent­ed stu­dents in the fields of screen­writ­ing, direct­ing and pro­duc­ing.

Togeth­er with Meike Hauck, we will be help­ing to shape a new cre­ative and inter­dis­ci­pli­nary approach to sto­ry devel­op­ment — what more could a young (kind a) pro­fes­sor ask for?