
Ulrich Laven invit­ed me to his Mas­ter­cut pod­cast, an invi­ta­tion I glad­ly accept­ed. Shot on what must have been the hottest day this sum­mer, our detialed con­ver­sa­tion will now be put online in sev­er­al episodes.
In Ger­man only, I’m afraid.

Africa Film Days Cologne

I will  be join­ing the AFRICA FILM DAYS at Film­fo­rum NRW Cologne again this year to mod­er­ate a Q & A  with actor Yas­sine Benkhad­da about his film Le Choix D’Ali (direct­ed by: Amor Hakkar).

Five years ago, Ali escaped his home town Besançon for being gay. But his mother’s stroke makes him come back again , hop­ing for a peace­ful reuni­fi­ca­tion and a fast jour­ney back to Paris.
In Coop­er­a­tion with DEMASK, LSVD e. V. and rubi­con e. V.

Schwester Weiß on arte

For those who have not seen it yet:







this thurs­day, July 9th 2020 at 15:30, and Sun­day morn­ing, July 19th at 9:30 (CET) arte tv will replay my film Schwest­er Weiß with the mira­coulous Lisa Mar­tinek. Thank you.

The film will also be avail­able for free  from thur­days her on arte online.

It’s a ger­man copy with­out eng­lish sub­ti­tles. Feel free to con­tact me if you’d like to see it with subs.


Hair is in the Air! Two awards at the International German PR-Awards!

A dif­fer­ent kind of suc­cess note :

The web series Beau­ty Sum­mer School by the PR-Agency komm.passion for  Kli­er Hair Group, which I had the hon­our to direct last sum­mer in croa­t­ia won two awards at the  Inter­na­tion­al Ger­man PR-Awards in the cat­e­gories „employ­er brand­ing“ and „mov­ing image“. All that hard work under the hot croa­t­ian sun payed off after all!

A conversation with Simone Stewens: 20 years of ifs

This month, Simone Stewens is leav­ing her posi­tion as chief and cre­ative exec­u­tive direc­tor of my Alma Mater, the inter­na­tion­al filmshool Cologne, which I attend­ed back in the days as one of her first stu­dents in film direct­ing — and which is turn­ing 20 this year.

I had the priv­i­lege to talk with Simone about ear­ly begin­nings of what is today con­sid­ered to be one of the lead­ing film­schools in Ger­many. We talked about goals and mile­stones and about what was always most impor­tant to her  both in train­ing film­mak­ers, as well as in film in gen­er­al.

Find the video here (in Ger­man only, unfor­tu­nate­ly)


AMOR FATI — ifs film of the week on vimeo

Some nos­tal­gic news: My for­mer film­school ifs in Cologne, where I was lucky enough to study in their very first direc­tors’ pro­gramme, is turn­ing 20!

To cel­e­brate the occa­sion they stream a film a week from two decades of ifs films. First in line is my  grad­u­a­tion film AMOR FATI from 2005, which I co-wrote with pro­duc­er Melanie Ander­nach and shot under adven­tur­ous cicum­stances in Cologne and Mon­tene­gro. I’ll tell you all about it one day with a beer or a glas of slivovic 🙂


Funding for Homeshoppers’ Paradise!

After three years of script devel­op­ment  the region­al film fund MFG Baden-Würt­tem­berg announced its sup­port for Nan­cy Mac Granaky-Quaye’s first fea­ture HOMESHOPPER’S PARADISE!

Our team — first of all Nan­cy, as well as Ste­fanie Groß (com­mis­sion­ing edi­tor SWR tele­vi­sion) Pas­cal Noth­durft (pro­duc­er, Ziegler Film Baden Baden) Toks Körn­er (script advi­sor) and myself (co-writer) are over the moon!

Shoot­ing is sched­uled for next year — as a green flag­ship-pro­duc­tion, con­serv­ing nat­ur­al resources! Nice!

MiA. with a dot

After 5 years, ger­man Band MiA. will soon release their new Album and “Kopfüber” is its first sin­gle, which was released today. I had the plea­sure to direct the music video to this fab song. Great work in Black Box Music Halls Berlin with john man­age­ment, Sony/Four Music, Levin Hüb­n­er from Hübner/Wallenfels, Andreas Köh­ler, Marc Bitz, Jana Schnei­der, Silke Zeitz and many oth­er won­der­full peo­ple!