Some good news: this year I became a member of the European Film Academy. Looking forward to a whole bunch of great European films!
Short Sounds
Another jury task: at this year’s Filmfest Dresden, I’ll get to listen more closely to the soundtracks of the nominated short films and help decide who gets the Golden Horseman for best Sound.
Really looking forward to my favorite short film festival — see you there!
a Ministry for Short Films
At the beginning of the year, I was appointed by the Secretary of State for Culture and Media (BKM) as a full member of the jury for production funding for short films, initially for two years.
A task as grateful as it proved difficult and hard! The first round is done and 17 new short film projects can look forward to production funding,
all the while I’ll be looking forward to seeing the films.
Homeshopper’s Paradise
A long time ago I worked on this script.… after a long time in development sometimes with me, sometimes without me and en even longer shooting delay due to a certain pandemic, “Homeshopper’s Paradise” made it to the big screen at the Hof International Film Festival at the end of last year and to Max Ophüls in Saarbrücken and can currently be streamed at arte Mediathek. All god things come to those who wait 🙂
The film directed by Nancy MacGranakyQuaye and starring Jane Chirwa, Stephen Appleton, Errol Trottmann and Nastassja Kinski was produced by Ziegler Film Baden Baden (Pascal Nothdurft). A co-production with SWR and arte.
We kindly ask for your understanding
A few months ago, a letter arrived from german broadcaster WDR in which the mighty player cancelled its involvement in cinema productions until further notice, and felt compelled “under the circumstances and the digital transformation (…) to review the previous decision-making process and adapt it to the economic framework conditions”.
Shortly afterwards, my colleagues Marcus Seibert and Christian Fürst asked me to write a future-oriented text for their book about 42 years of the independent filmmakers’ association Filmbüro NW. My topic was set.
Along with a lot of deep and exciting insights into more than four decades of independent filmmaking in Germany, my Text “Wir bitten um ihr Verständnis (We kindly ask for your understanding)” can now be found in the awesome, big fat publication “Achtung, Achtung! Hier spricht das FilmbüroNW”
And furthermore it is printed in Revolver film magazine No. 46, also co-edited by Marcus. I was particularly pleased about the latter. For years, his Revolver book “Kino muss gefährlich sein (Cinema must be dangerous)” has been a constant reminder on my bookshelf.
a new music video
On May 20th, my friends Erdmöbel released their 10th studio album Guten Morgen, Ragazzi! The song Wir sind nicht das Volk (lass sie rein) is the second song after Beherbergungsverbot from the album to be accompanied with a video of mine. A song against nationalism with a “DuTube”-Video about us and the images we make of ourselves and of each other.
FIVE SONGS nominated
My screenplay “Five Songs For The Patriarchy” which I developed together with Fiction Park Entertainment, in collaboration with LavaLabs and with funding from the Film- und Medienstiftung NRW has been nominated for the Thomas Strittmatter Screenplay Award 2022!
During the Berlinale, the award ceremony by MFG Filmfund will take place in a small setting. A video with the highlights will be available on from Thursday, February 17th, 2022.
I am especially happy about the composition of the jury: Heide Schwochow, Burhan Qurbani and Damir Lukačević. Well, if that’s not an honor!
New arrival in Babelsberg
Since November, I am professor of story development at the Filmuniversität Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF. Together with six wonderful colleagues, I have been officially sworn in this January.
After almost 20 years in Cologne, I have also moved to Potsdam Babelsberg with mixed feelings of farewell and joyfull expectations. I am delighted to be working with a whole bunch of talented students in the fields of screenwriting, directing and producing.
Together with Meike Hauck, we will be helping to shape a new creative and interdisciplinary approach to story development — what more could a young (kind a) professor ask for?
Patriarchy, brace yourself!
Film- und Medienstiftung NRW supports the development of FIVE SONGS FOR THE PATRIARCHY — Spanning from the mythological beginnings of patriarchy till a fictional dystopian end, FIVE SONGS is an anthology film that asks if our men-built civilisation is the best humanity has to offer. Developed with Fiction Park and LavaLabs, the project aims to make creative use of the newes possiilities in virtual production.
new music video for ERDMÖBEL (feat. Paul Heller)
Every year, my “band of neigbours” ERDMÖBEL releases a song for christmas season. In the year of Corona the song turned out pretty melancholic — a mood I know well. I’m really hapy with the video — with Felix Brückner on camera and Til Strobl from Butterfilm on VFX on location in the truly special art space Raum13.
Socially distanced. Of course.