LAST BASTION — acting class graduation project 2018

a sto­ry about exclu­sion and trust
48 min in one con­tin­u­ous shot
writ­ten based on impro­vi­sa­tions of nine of my act­ing grad­u­ates

On Fri­day, Sep­tem­ber 9th we will be show­ing the film project LETZTE BASTION of some of my Arturo act­ing school grad­u­ates at 9:30 pm at

Arturo Schaus­pielschule
Dil­len­burg­er Straße 67
51105 Köln

lat­er show­times:
Sat­ur­day, Sep­tem­ber 22nd at 9:30pm
Sun­day, Sep­tem­ber 23rd at 8pm

Tick­ets can be reserved via email at

Please note: ger­man only, there will be no sub­ti­tles


The 16th Afri­ka Film Fes­ti­val Cologne starts tomor­row and I have the hon­our to mod­er­ate two of the Q&As:
Sun­day, Sep­tem­ber 15th at 20:00  after the niger­ian fea­ture HAKKUNDE with Oluseyi Asurf, and
Sat­ur­day, Sep­tem­ber 22nd at 18:00 for the south african doc­u­men­tary VOETSEK! US, BROTHERS? with Andy Spitz.
I’m look­ing for­ward to the fes­ti­val, films and film­mak­ers and last but so not least: the food!  😉

LUCID released!

Today is the day my first nov­el is released! LUCID, which I had the plea­sure cowrit­ing with Christoph Math­ieu, is pub­lished as an eBook by Bastei Lübbe pub­lish­ers  in Ger­many.

If you read Ger­man, get it any­where where there are eBooks — i.e. here. And to check, if your Ger­man is tru­ly good enough, you can find a read­ing sam­ple here.


How to cry at the push of a button

In this music video, ten women actors present what it means to cry for the cam­era and how it can be done in ten steps… Among them grand thes­pi­ans like Corin­na Har­fouch (the Down­fall) and known ger­man come­di­ans such as Petra Nadol­ny. In this inter­ac­tive ver­sion, you can chose who you want to watch strug­gling for ‘fake tears‘  TUTORIAL inter­ak­tiv

LUCID to be released in July!

Christoph Math­ieu and I wrote our 600 page sci­fi-thriller LUCID dur­ing a long, back-aching win­ter.…  Unfor­tu­nate­ly for all eng­lish speak­ers there is no trans­la­tion yet. Of course you’re wel­come to prac­tice your ger­man with this 😉

Young artist Signe Mortensen has been a vivid lucid dream­er all her life: In her sleep she can do any­thing and be any­one she can imag­ine.
To the neu­rol­o­gist Fabi­an Hard­en­berg she is not only his great love, but also his tick­et to sci­en­tif­ic suc­cess.  Her unique abil­i­ties are key to  a sci­ence project that might enable manip­u­la­tions of human mem­o­ries.  But wher­er­ev­er there is great pow­er, the worst in man lurks around the cor­ner

from octo­ber 10th 2018
pre­order now at barnes and noble, Thalia, Hugeb­dubel, Ama­zon, Google play,
or direct­ly at our pub­lish­ers’ Bastei Lübbe




a very catholic screening

My fea­ture film Schwest­er Weiß (The Prodi­gal Sis­ter) will be screened once again this fri­day, may 11th  2018 at 20:00 h at Cine­plex Mün­ster for the 101st  Katho­liken­tag (catholics’ day).

It’ll be in good com­pa­ny — fol­low­ing a pre­view of Wim Wender’s new doc­u­men­tary about Pope Fran­cis, which my schol­ar­ship father Wim will attend in per­son. A very catholic film screen­ing indeed, but I’m sure non-catholics and non-believ­ers will be wel­come, too 🙂