LUCID to be released in July!

Christoph Math­ieu and I wrote our 600 page sci­fi-thriller LUCID dur­ing a long, back-aching win­ter.…  Unfor­tu­nate­ly for all eng­lish speak­ers there is no trans­la­tion yet. Of course you’re wel­come to prac­tice your ger­man with this 😉

Young artist Signe Mortensen has been a vivid lucid dream­er all her life: In her sleep she can do any­thing and be any­one she can imag­ine.
To the neu­rol­o­gist Fabi­an Hard­en­berg she is not only his great love, but also his tick­et to sci­en­tif­ic suc­cess.  Her unique abil­i­ties are key to  a sci­ence project that might enable manip­u­la­tions of human mem­o­ries.  But wher­er­ev­er there is great pow­er, the worst in man lurks around the cor­ner

from octo­ber 10th 2018
pre­order now at barnes and noble, Thalia, Hugeb­dubel, Ama­zon, Google play,
or direct­ly at our pub­lish­ers’ Bastei Lübbe