Remembering Lisa Martinek

Lisa Mar­tinek has died. I adored work­ing with her and would have loved to get anoth­er chance at it.  My deep­est con­do­lences to her fam­i­ly. Rest in peace, Lisa.

Ger­man broad­cast­er ARD will be stream­ing our fea­ture SCHWESTER WEISS until octo­ber 22nd (Ger­many only).

And here is a link to our music video TUTORIAL (eng­lish sub­ti­tles) and its inter­ac­tive ver­sion TUTORIAL INTERAKTIV (ger­man only) for which she stopped by one morn­ing in Berlin to endow us with her most grace­ful tears. Unflap­pable, pro­fes­sion­al and warm. Thank you.

Schwester Weiß on ARD Television

On wednes­day night, July the 3rd at 0:35am my film SCHWESTER WEISS will be shown once again on ger­man Tele­vi­sion. This time in state broad­cast­er ARD first channel’s  year­ly selec­tion of first and sec­ond fea­tures.

It is an hon­our to be part of this round of won­der­ful films!

(Also, after Film­fest Dresden’s poster, this is the sec­ond colour­ful but­ter­fly logo I’m con­nect­ed with.)

Tutorial in Dresden

13 years after my stu­dent film Amor Fati won an audi­ence award in Dres­den, I’m proud to be back with my music video Tuto­r­i­al (Erd­mö­bel) which was select­ed for the nation­al com­pe­ti­tion (pro­gramme 1) from April 9th to 14th . These are the dates:

If you’re around, click on the image for tick­ets or here. I’ll be there for all screen­ings but the one on fri­day.

TUTORIAL in German Short Film Association’s programme in Clermont-Ferrand and Berlin

To my sur­prise, some old dreams from film stu­dent times have recent­ly become true. Hard­ly 15 years lat­er.  My music video TUTORIAL (ERDMÖBEL) will be shown at the mat­iné mar­ket screen­ing of  the Ger­man Short Film Asso­ci­a­tion  at Fes­ti­val du cour métrage in Cler­mont Fer­rand on wednes­day feb­ru­ary 6th at 11:00 am.

Ready to launch at this years Berlin Film Fes­ti­val TUTORIAL will also appear in the  short film cat­a­logue „Ger­man Short Films 2019“  as well as the  screen­er-DVD „Ger­man Short Films“ by AG Kurz­film — Ger­man Short Film Asso­ci­a­tion.

And last but not least the music video will be screened in the nation­al com­pe­ti­tion of April’s Film­fest Dres­den. More about this lat­er.

What an unex­pect­ed joy! Danke, liebe AG Kurz­film!

Christmas commercial

At the end of the year a last-minute job came in. The first of three sea­son­al com­mer­cial spots for the ger­man sug­ar trade asso­ci­a­tion is online, which I have writ­ten and direct­ed on set. My thanks go to komm.passion agency for the assign­ment and two fun shoot­ing days to end the year with.

Hap­py hol­i­days and a hap­py new year to you all!

A new music video on St. Nicolas

Every Decem­ber, just in time before their beloved anu­al christ­mas tour, ger­man band Erd­mö­bel releas­es a christ­mas sin­gle.  And a video.

After Hoff­nungs­mas­chine last year and Tuto­r­i­al  begin­ning of this year, I’ve been lucky to work with erd­mö­bel again and direct and edit a third.

Sie nan­ten ihn Putte (They called him Cherub) stars Sebas­t­ian Rüger from the com­e­dy duo Ulan & Bator and the choir Filmhauschor by Gui­do Preuß.

Have a pleas­ant Advent every­one and an euphor­ic end of the year 😉

Schwester Weiss is coming home…

On thurs­day, Novem­ber 29th at 22:00 pm  my sec­ond the­atri­cal fea­ture SCHWESTER WEISS will be aired on SWR tele­vi­sion, Ger­many.

It’s been four years since we made the film. It took a year after the fes­ti­val pre­miere to cin­e­ma release, anoth­er year of law­ful wait­ing for a first tv pre­miere on arte tv in Ger­many and France and anoth­er one to be final­ly shown with­in the pro­gramme of our home broad­cast­er SWR.

It sure­ly feels like com­ing home…

TUTORIAL at short film festival Cologne

This Sun­day, Novem­ber 18th 2018 my Music video TUTORIAL, which I direct­ed  for the Band Ermö­bel and was nom­i­nat­ed for the MuVi Award in Ober­hausen will be shown at short film fes­ti­val KFFK N°12  in Cologne.

12:30  in the cin­e­ma ODEON as part of the children’s pro­gramme 8+
15:00 at  FILMFORUM of the Muse­um Lud­wig as part of the  guest pro­gramme curat­ed by art foun­da­tion SK-Kul­tur